Summer SchoolSafeguarding
The health and welfare of our students and staff will always be our number one priority.
St Edmund’s College Summer School is committed to ensuring the welfare and protection of all students in our care and this commitment is a fundamental part of the role of every member of the Summer School team.
Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding, identifying concerns, sharing information and taking prompt action where necessary. We strive to provide the very highest standards of education and pastoral support for the students in our care. We recognise both our legal and our moral responsibilities for the care and protection of all children.
Staff safeguarding roles
- The Summer School Director is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
- The Welfare Manager is our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
They are both responsible for making sure that any concerns about child welfare and protection are acted upon immediately.
Staff checks
We complete background checks on everyone who works for us, including Safeguarding checks and past employment references.
All our staff must complete Child Protection training.
Staff and student relations
It is important that students feel that they can trust our staff and feel relaxed around them. However, it is also important that there is some professional distance between students and the adults who work with them.
Our staff will never ask students for personal contact information, or discuss age-inappropriate topics with them. We do not share personal telephone numbers with students, nor the last names of the majority of the teachers and house parents.
Safety procedures
We have multiple processes in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all students. These include:
- Regular class registers during each day.
- Every weekday morning, staff meet with managers to discuss the Summer School and all students. Any concerns are raised here and acted upon immediately.
- The Summer School Director, Welfare Manager, Centre Manager and Academic Manager meet with student representatives at weekly Student Council meetings to talk about any concerns, comments or feedback they may have.
- Residential House Parents live on all boarding house corridors with the students and are responsible for making sure that everyone is healthy and happy. Each day these House Parents speak to the group to inform them about that day's activities and talk through any problems or concerns they may have.